Friday, September 23, 2011

Why "Driven"?

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a bit OCD.  [OK, a LOT OCD!]

My father always said I could do anything I set my mind to.  My problem usually lies in making that mental decision.  Hence, I never finished college, never started a "paying" career, and often find myself completely, overwhelmingly absorbed in whatever latest motivation strikes to the detriment of other worthy projects calling for my attention.

That's not all bad.  I have a lot of GREAT accomplishments under my belt, not the least of which is the successful raising/educating of four incredible children!  If I accomplished nothing else in life, I could still be incredibly proud of that objective alone.

Recently my husband of nearly 30 years bought me my first new car.  A new car just seemed to deserve a specialty plate, so it got one:  "DRIVEN"     The connotations are many, but here are a few that apply to me:  the obvious vehicular connotation, driven to love/worship/service/ compassion, driven as in carried away by outside influences (easily swayed by external forces, which we can all be tempted by), driven by internal forces (a specified factor, emotion/feeling/ impulse), driven (as in powered, operated, controlled...hopefully more and more by the Holy Spirit),  driven as  in "that (behavior, person, you-fill-in-the-blank) drives me crazy!" driven to distraction/obsession/compulsion (definitely suits an OCD type!)

Which "driven" suits you best at this point in your life?

[Today I'm "driven" to create a blog.  Something I've never done or considered before. Why?  Who knows?  One of those impulsive reactions, I suppose. Actually, there IS a reason, but I'll get to that in a subsequent post.]

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